We expose your IP address on the Internet.
This means NAT & proxies affect the results, and the answer
differs from eg ipconfig
, ifconfig
ip addr
Feel free to use this service for anything, from anywhere. We handle billions of requests per month. If you expect to send more than 500 requests per second, please E-mail first.
scoop bucket add extras; scoop install identme
brew tap pcarrier/brew && brew install identme
in AUR. Packagers and power users welcome to the source
code.None so far; please share here if you build one.
You can find your public IP address at ident.me
over HTTP(S), DNS, SSH,
telnet, and STUN.
To specify IPv4 or IPv6, prefix with 4.
or 6.
Over HTTP(S), access /json
to get JSON instead of plain text, which includes geolocation
Over DNS, request any name. Over SSH, do not pass a command.
To find the public IP of your DNS servers, resolve
, ns4.ident.me
, or
You can also get a unique 63-bit identifier represented in
hexadecimal over HTTP(S) at ident.me/n
. Falling back to tnedi.me
is safe.
If you need reliable lookups, please build redundancy.
tnedi.me mirrors this service from another datacenter and gets maintained first.
Alternatives can be found in go-external-ip, gip (rust), WooCommerce.
Display the public IP (IPv4 or IPv6), in shell:
(command -v dig &> /dev/null &&
(dig +short @ident.me ||
dig +short @tnedi.me)) ||
(command -v nc &> /dev/null &&
(nc ident.me 23 < /dev/null ||
nc tnedi.me 23 < /dev/null)) ||
(command -v curl &> /dev/null &&
(curl -sf ident.me ||
curl -sf tnedi.me)) ||
(command -v wget &> /dev/null &&
(wget -qO- ident.me ||
wget -qO- tnedi.me)) ||
(command -v openssl &> /dev/null &&
(openssl s_client -quiet -connect ident.me:992 2> /dev/null ||
openssl s_client -quiet -connect tnedi.me:992 2> /dev/null)) ||
(command -v ssh &> /dev/null &&
(ssh -qo StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new ident.me ||
ssh -qo StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new tnedi.me)) ||
(echo "Could not find public IP through api.ident.me" >&2
exit 42)
echo "Found public IP $IP"
Fetch and display the public IPv4 address, in PowerShell:
$IP = try { (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 4.ident.me).Content }
catch { (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 4.tnedi.me).Content }
Write-Output "Found public IPv4 $IP"
Securely fetch and display the public IPv6 address, in Python:
from urllib.request import urlopen
def public_ipv6():
with urlopen('https://6.ident.me') as response:
return response.read().decode('ascii')
with urlopen('https://6.tnedi.me') as response:
return response.read().decode('ascii')
print("Found public IPv6", public_ipv6())
Confirm the configured timezone matches geographically, in JavaScript:
async function ident() {
try { return await(await fetch('//ident.me/json')).json(); }
catch { return await(await fetch('//tnedi.me/json')).json(); }
Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone ===
await ident()).tz (
ipify and seeIP have plenty of examples to draw inspiration from.
Check our status with uptimerobot.com.
This service has been around since late 2012. If you'd like to increase the bus factor (one) and help keep it around, please reach out!
We retain little, and do not use or share it for any purpose other than operational diagnostics and statistics displayed on the service unless legally required to do so.
If the response time of this service surprises you, it's probably because we're located in Europe and most alternatives are in North America. The service time itself is usually negligible, you're mostly observing network latency between your client and Germany.
In DNS, our root and any.
have both A
records, 4.
only has an A
record, 6.
only has an AAAA
record; ns
, ns4
, and ns6
corresponding NS
All records point to a cheap VPS in Helsinki, Finland running Ubuntu Noble with:
I welcome financial contributions on ko-fi.